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[106美國直購] Sling Media - Slingbox M2 - Black 詳細介紹:


Sling Media - Slingbox M2 - Black

Watch and control 100% of the TV you already pay for on a tablet, phone, PC, or Mac with unlimited free apps
Watch on a second TV anywhere via Apple TV, Chromecast, Fire TV, or Roku. Also view and manage DVR recordings
Connect via WiFi or Ethernet, component and composite in/out.

From the manufacturer

Works with all cable and satellite providers:
AT&T U-verse
Bright House Networks
Cablevision Systems
Charter Communications
Comcast Xfinity
Cox Communications
Dish Network
Time Warner
Verizon FiOS
...and all others

Have cable or satellite? You need a Slingbox.
Take the shows, games, and teams you love with you, wherever you go. Whether you are in another room or across the globe, you can be sure that your shows are on.

With Slingbox M2, watch every channel on your television, on any device, like your phone, tablet, or laptop—LIVE. It works over WiFi as well as 3G and 4G cellular networks without restrictions. It even works internationally. All without monthly fees.

And if you’re a die-hard sports fan who travels, Slingbox is a must-have. The extra channels and coverage you’re already paying for are all available without having to worry about 'blackouts' or device restrictions. And there are no monthly fees.

Slingbox M2
It’s your TV, live or recorded—in up to full HD 1080p resolution. The Slingbox M2 connects to your home’s Internet router via WiFi or Ethernet. It plugs into your cable or satellite set-top box via component cables and the signal passes through to your TV. You can also connect it to your DVR, DVD, Blu-ray Disc player/recorder, or a video security camera if you choose. Integrated and external IR emitters give you the ability to control these remotely.

True TV Anywhere - no restrictions
When we say 'watch your TV anywhere' we mean it, literally. Many companies promise 'TV anywhere' but they only deliver a subset of your channels and they probably don’t work internationally. And often, there are strings attached. So ditch the myriad of apps and patchwork solutions. Only Slingbox gives you control of all of your channels and shows, live or recorded, from one app.

The Experience You're Not Getting
'TV Anywhere' is what everyone wants but only Slingbox provides. Only Slingbox delivers 100% of the channels that you are paying for, right to you anywhere in the world on any device. Your current service may offer something similar, but it's not close to the complete experience you'd get with a Slingbox.

Delivered to all your devices
You’ll be able to watch your TV on any device—phones*, tablets*, PC/Mac, media streamers*—with the free Slingplayer app, available to download from various app stores.You can also connect to a DVD, Blu-ray player/recorder, or video security camera. The integrated and external IR emitters give you the ability to control these devices remotely.

No monthly fees
We know you love your entertainment—you have the extra premium and sports channels. And shouldn’t you be able to watch 100% of those channels you're already paying for? With Slingbox, you can—without paying monthly fees.

Works with your streamer
If you have a Slingbox, you can pair a streaming device like Fire TV or Roku with a second television and watch your home TV, live or recorded—whether you're in another room, in your hotel suite, or in your vacation home.

*Slingplayer for mobile devices is required. Available for free in the Apple App Store, Google Play, Amazon Appstore, and Windows Store.

Product description
Watch and control 100% of your cable or Satellite channels you already pay for, live or recorded, on your tablet, phone, or laptop, anywhere you have an Internet connection with no monthly fees or blocked shows. All of your live and recorded movies, sports, or TV shows anywhere, anytime with unlimited free apps for iOS, Android, Windows, and Amazon Fire HD. Design that delivers High availability, scalability, and for maximum flexibility and price/performance. Manufactured in Mexico .

Product information
Technical Details

Brand Name Sling Media
Item Weight 1.8 pounds
Product Dimensions 8.1 x 4.7 x 3.8 inches
Origin Imported (Mexico)
Item model number SB375-100
Color Name black
Specification Met certified frustration-free




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球員內心也很重要 NBA推廣心理健康計畫

(法新社洛杉磯30日電) 美國職籃NBA正和球員工會共同推出一項心理健康計畫,希望NBA球員能將這項計畫視為傾訴自己心理健康奮鬥歷程的管道。

多倫多暴龍球星德羅森(DeMar DeRozan)和克里夫蘭騎士球員洛夫(Kevin Love),正協助推動這項本週展開的部分計畫,並透過網站及公益廣告倡導NBA運動員的心理健康。

德羅森向加拿大多倫多「環球郵報」(The Globe and Mail)表示:「我們總是鼓吹健康飲食、運動及成為一名菁英運動員。」
















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